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Year: 1982-87
Genre: Arts - Architecture
Shaun was a serious student of art and graphics for most of his Mazenod education. His teenage passion for maths, science, art and graphics saw an almost perfect VCE score in 1987. He was a brilliant student, dedicated to his College and well respected by his peers and teachers alike. As College Vice-Captain, he was a natural leader in many student endeavours. After leaving Mazenod Shaun completed his initial degree in Architecture, a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture at Deakin where he also completed a Bachelor of Architecture (HONS) degree. He is registered with the Architects Registration Board of Victoria. Upon completing his studies, he travelled oversees and commenced work in Sri Lanka. He returned to Australia to commence work on a number of significant projects. In 2010, Shaun returned to Hassell as a Principal Architect where he is credited as leading the design team for the Alibaba project in China. Shaun is also credited with being a principal architect in the Freshwater Tower project in Southbank and listed as the design architect for the development. In 2013, Shaun was invited to present at the prestigious UrbanAgiNation International Urban Design Conference in Sydney. He has now been involved in architecture for over 20 years with projects in Australia and overseas and he has excelled in his profession. Combined with a sound conceptual framework he sees creativity at the core of his work. As a Design Leader, communication is his core belief in facilitating an inclusive, interactive design process and ensuring efficiency through clarity and information from inception. He is a leader in this field in Australia and is a most worthy candidate for the ACC Hall of Fame.