Welcome to the new ACC website
A new website for a new domain:
accmelb.com.au is now accvic.au
Please ensure that you have updated your favourites link for the ACC website.
Updated contact details for the ACC staff can be found under "Contact"
Teltech ICT Group is an Australian owned information technology and telecommunications organization, servicing schools and businesses nationally for over 25 years. With over 650 schools, who trust and depend on our services, our commitment to Education is second to none. Our aim is to ensure all customers receive installation expertise, quality products, adequate training and after-sales service, with a range of financial options.
We are here to be a strategic solutions partner that helps to implement the most optimal infrastructure for your business or school with an end-to-end solution. By having a single contact point of your telecommunication and IT solution, you will receive effective, quick, and courteous responses without the problems of coordinating matters between different organizations.
Contact us to know more about how our services can help your school:
@: enquiries@teltech.net.au
T: 1300 TELTECH (835 832) \ P. (03) 9781 7000 | F. (03) 9781 7077
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