Welcome to the new ACC website

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Version 2.0 of lockdown is now upon us! The ACC will once again provide online challenges for the community to be involved in.
We welcome the return of the ACC Running Challenge, with a twist to the competition for term 3. This term will see the challenge run as a cumulative competition, with schools in the ACC Community participating to accumulate KM’s to travel “virtually” around Australia. “Run Around Australia” is a new challenge for the ACC Community. The aim is to do one lap of the Country which is Approx. 14,595 km in distance. While working together there will also be a school based and individual competition for the most KM’s accumulated. At the end of the week you will receive an update on where you are in the country based on total KM’s as an ACC Community, leading school in KM accumulation and also the leading student from each year level (7-12) with the most KM’s accumulated.

This Competition will begin on Monday 20th July.

How Do I Get Involved?
Head on over to the ACC website to access the submission form. Click on the Running Challenge picture on the home page. Form link also provided here:⠀

How will it work?
Running is not the only way to share data this time around. If you walk you can also record the data and submit it via the ACC website. An equalisation ratio will be applied to the weekly total for each school so that every school that competes has an equal opportunity to win.

How are the results collated?
Each time you complete a run or walk outside of school hours, you will need to complete a new form (it will take about 2 minutes). You will need to submit your school email, name and distance. These details will be made available to your Director of Sport for confirmation. You can use any fitness app for this – Strava, Nike Running, Map My Run, Runkeeper, etc.

The overall winning school for most KM’s totalled at the end of term 3 will win the Cup. Students in each year level with the most KM’s will receive a pennant.