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The Junior Grand Finals were played out at various locations yesterday afternoon. Parade College hosted the Yr 7 Div 1 Football, Yr 7 Div 1 Soccer, Year 8 Div 1 Football and the Yr 8 Div 2 Soccer. St Bernard’s College hosted the Yr 7 Div 2 Football, Year 7 Div 2 Soccer and the Yr 8 Div 1 Soccer. Emmanuel College Hosted the Yr 8 Div 2 Football.
Congratulations to all the winning teams from yesterday and a big thank you to all the boys, coaches, staff and family members involved throughout term 2 sports.
Below are the results and premiership photos of the winning teams.
Year 7 Football Div 1 – Parade Vs St Bede’s
PREMIERS – Parade College (PAR 10.10.70 Def. SBM 5.4.34)
Year 7 Football Div 2 – St Bernard’s Vs St Bede’s
PREMIERS – St Bernard’s College (SBE 4.9.33 Def. SBM 2.2.14)
Year 7 Soccer Div 1 – Parade Vs Salesian
PREMIERS – Parade (PAR 5 Def SAL 0)
Year 7 Soccer Div 2 – St Bernard’s Vs Parade
PREMIERS – Parade (PAR 3 Def. SBE 2)
Year 8 Football Div 1 – Parade Vs Whitefriars
PREMIERS – Whitefriars (WFD 6.6.42 Def. PAR 5.6.36)
Year 8 Football Div 2 – Emmanuel Vs Parade
PREMIERS – Parade (PAR 50 Def. EMM 47)
Year 8 Soccer Div 1 – St Bernard’s Vs Parade
PREMIERS – St Bernard’s (SBE 7 Def. PAR 0)
Year 8 Soccer Div 2 – Parade Vs De La Salle
PREMIERS – Parade (PAR 3 Def. DLS 2)